Wednesday, April 05, 2006

new update

lama tul tak update blog...bukannyer ngan keje... actually bulan lepas is tough month for father and my mother bergaduh besar...and my father left my house for 15 days...very sad story...mlm masa my brother sms me told that my parents tgh gaduh..and my father doing some nasty things to my mother..I really hate my father time tu...and when i called my mom,she very sad and menangis terkedu terkedu sambil talk to me..and i pon nangis sekali..siapa tak seidh bile my mom diperlalakukan begitu..2 minggu wothout my father,my house seems like calm and my mom boleh buat keje tanpa hatinya disakiti...and my uncle suh i and my siblings to pujuk my father back..but my heart said that u must relaks first nency...jgn terburu-buru..bincang dulu...lastly my father call my father minta maaf ngan my mom..and he mengaku layan my mom buruk..bla bla bla...and my mom senyap...and esoknya dier ajak jumpe berdua...and settle the problem...and mlm tu..i pegi ngan my pick up my father from my uncle house...oklah..end the sad far, i tgk my father dah berubah...hopefully,takkan ade lg bender2 mcm nih..i dah tak larat ngan hal2 family nih..sometimes fell ashamed also...entahla..feel jelaous with other family yg lg..i got new housemate..hehe..welcome...haritu borak2 ngan parents my housemate nih...hehhee..padanle begitu jg anak dier..rupenyer anak dier careless...pelupe..aku pon peluper gak :d...ape2pon..nak sambung keje..daaa

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